2019年10月14日 星期一


電子商務產業變動快速,【SmartM 電子商務週報】提供各國最新、最即時、最實用的網路行銷業界動態與知識。 【carol的私房教養】為做童書的總編媽咪Carol從教養可愛孩子的經驗及相處中,分享其最真切的心情與心得!
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2019/10/14第321期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� �勗�����拍�剁��菟���啁����
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 銝�閬��伐�蝑�銝�銝�嚗�
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Petal It Forward

Flowers add color and cheer to all kinds of events. However, after an event ends, the flowers are usually thrown away, which creates lots of waste. With all the resources that go into growing flowers, it��s a pity that they are used only once. Thankfully, two organizations are changing this.
In the United States, Repeat Roses allows event hosts to give their flower arrangements to those in need. The company picks up the flowers from events, rearranges them into smaller bouquets, and then delivers them to people in need of cheer, such as those in hospitals or rest homes. So not only do the flowers get a second life, but they bring joy to more people. Once the flowers wilt, Repeat Roses picks them up and composts them. The flower vases are even reused in the next delivery!
Since 2014, Repeat Roses has stopped 87 tons of waste from entering garbage dumps and has delivered over 49,000 flower arrangements. The service is growing more and more popular. Meghan Markle, for example, gifted flowers from her baby shower to children who were being treated for cancer.


�函���嚗�Repeat Roses霈�瘣餃��銝餉齒�寞��隞������勗��撣�蝵桅��蝯阡��鈭�����閬���鈭箝�������砍�詨�瘣餃���曉�游��韏啗�望�蛛����唳�渡����頛�撠����望��嚗��嗅����餌策��閬�甇∠���鈭綽����舫��鈭��券�恍�X��擗����Y��鈭箝����隞仿��鈭��曹����脣�蝚砌����踝�銋�撠�甇⊥�撣嗥策�游�鈭箝���曹��血��雓�嚗�Repeat Roses靘踵����韏啜��鋆賣�����乓���梁�嗥���單����銴�雿輻�典�其�銝�甈⊿����銝哨�
�芯���銝���撟港誑靘�嚗�Repeat Roses撌脤�餅迫�怠��銝��貉�勗誥���脣�啣���曉�湛�銝阡����鈭�頞������砌������勗��撣�蝵柴����������頞�靘�頞���甇∟���靘�憒�璇��對�擐砍���橘�蝺刻酉嚗��勗����憒�嚗��喳���拍��摮�銋�憒鳴�撠�憟寞�啁����瘣曉�銝����梯���蝯行迤�冽�亙������瘝餌����摮拍咱��

�� 閰喟敦�扳��隢�蝧駁�將O.220 10����Live鈭����梯���隤� ��
Hold your horses!
hold your horses摮��X����������蝺�雿���擐研��嚗��其��訾犖��鈭����交�伐��X�V���嚗��單�璆���銵���嚗�horses�冽迨���刻��詨耦�� 雿����臭誑��璅�隤迎�
�� Wait a minute/second! 蝑�銝�銝�嚗�
�� Slow down (there). �V�暺���
�� Hold on. 蝑�蝑���
�� Easy there. �交�乓��
�� Put the brakes on. �交�伐�頦拍��頠���

A: I��m starving! Can I have some chicken?
B: Hold your horses! Let��s wait for your dad to get here before we start.
A: He won��t care if I eat a little bit first.
B: Even if that��s true, it��s rude to eat before others get a chance to.

2019/10/14 (銝�)

My current contract is about to expire. Do you have any deals going on at the moment?

2019/10/15 (鈭�)

Since your phone is still under warranty, it's at no extra charge.

2019/10/16 (銝�)

Raccoons are known for their cute masked faces and their clever problem-solving skills.

2019/10/17 (��)

Even so, raccoons are difficult to take care of and can carry dangerous diseases.

2019/10/18 (鈭�)

In the past, when people would go shopping, price was usually their biggest concern.

鈭����交�祈�1撟�12�� +�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� + LiveTalk 蝺�銝���鈭箏��隤芣��摰� 暺���30暺�


�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� +�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12��
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