2019年9月16日 星期一


【柿子文化心靈養生報】提供健康、飲食、旅遊等各種人生體驗,讓你不只照顧自己的身體,也疼愛自己的心! 這一刻,科技發展又有什麼新發現?和【FIND科技報】一起在無遠弗界的資訊汪洋中遊走,盡情挖掘新知識!
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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2019/09/16第318期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 銝��券������靽��交�寞�
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 憭拇雄雿����∟�唾��
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Ways to Stay Healthy That Don��t Involve Exercise

We often link good health with exercise. However, there are many ways to stay healthy that don��t require us to work up a sweat. Here are some of them.
Much of our health depends on what we eat. This is why we should avoid processed foods like potato chips and candy, which contain few vitamins and more salt and sugar than our body needs. It��s better to choose healthy whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Also, eating too fast is bad for our digestion. According to health coach Kelly Johnston, we should chew our food 20 to 30 times for each bite.
Besides food, water is also key to staying healthy. Around 60 percent of our body is made up of water, so it��s not surprising that proper hydration is important. Experts say that we should drink at least eight glasses a day.
Finally, get a good night��s sleep, since our body needs rest at the end of each day. The amount of sleep each person needs may be different, but most agree that we should aim for seven to eight hours a night.



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There are plenty of fish in the sea.
���亥店摮��X��������瘚瑁ㄐ��敺�憭�擳���嚗�撘��唾"蝷箝������敺�憭���璈���嚗�����敺�憭��拙����鈭箝��嚗�撣詨�典��孵仃�����訾犖��憭拇雄雿����∟�唾����嚗�銝�敹��瑁���潔����格������亥店銋��臭誑��璅�隤迎�There are plenty more fish in the sea.��

�� You��ll find your Mr./Miss Right someday.
�� It��s time to move on. Stop living in the past.

A: How did the big date with Emma go?
B: I don��t want to talk about it.
A: Don��t worry about it. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
B: Yeah, but the problem is: I hate fishing!

2019/9/16 (銝�)

Besides food, water is also key to staying healthy.

2019/9/17 (鈭�)

Another way to get the benefits of exercise without doing sports or going to the gym is to simply be more active during the day.

2019/9/18 (銝�)

Many people rely on social media to stay in touch with family and friends.

2019/9/19 (��)

He joined an online learning program, which challenged him to give back to the community.

2019/9/20 (鈭�)

He created the online page with his father as a way to help raise money for Lunches of Love.

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�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� + LiveTalk 蝺�銝���鈭箏��隤芣��摰� 暺���30暺�


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