2022年7月14日 星期四


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2022/07/15 第626期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 旅館類型
【英語學習Plus】 More Options for Your Morning Milk
【本月發燒書】 超核心大考英文寫作:八招打造作文即戰力(16K)
【好康情報局】 ★準備好迎接暑假了嗎★6/15-8/31兒童暑期閱讀展★參展書全面75折



★ 旅館類型
hotel 飯店
inn/tavern 小旅館
B&B (bed and breakfast) 民宿
(youth) hostel 青年旅館
capsule hotel 膠囊旅館
apartment hotel 公寓式飯店
resort hotel 度假旅館

★ 訂旅館
A:I would like to reserve a double room for three nights starting on February 5th.
B:We still have one room available for those dates./I'm afraid there are no vacancies during that period.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「旅館類型」

More Options for Your Morning Milk 早餐喝什麼?牛奶之外的另類選擇

Cow's milk is a great source of nutrition. It has abundant amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals—all of which one needs to stay fit and healthy. owever, not everyone can drink cow's milk. Many people have an allergic reaction to ingesting cow's milk that results in uncomfortable digestive problems. A growing number also choose not to consume cow's milk as part of a vegan diet.

To cater to these people, in recent years, non-dairy milks made from plants have become much more widely available. These plant-based milks are made by first soaking the nuts, grains, or legumes in water for many hours in order to soften them. They are then blended into a slurry, which is filtered to remove any solids. Finally, this "milk" is boiled to ensure it is sterile. Plenty of plants can be "milked" in this way, but the most common are almonds, soybeans, oats, coconuts, and peas.

Often, plant-based milks are marketed as being healthier than cow's milk, and some consumers who normally drink cow's milk consciously buy them as a healthier option. However, although plant-based milks can be part of a healthy diet, they are not automatically more beneficial than cow's milk to one's health. Indeed, some producers add large amounts of sugar and other additives to their plant-based milks in order to sweeten them or augment their flavor. Many also don't naturally have as many key minerals and vitamins as cow's milk does. It is important, therefore, to closely examine the nutritional information before deciding which type of milk to buy. The chart below compares the most popular types of milk that you might find in your local supermarket.




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