2018年12月5日 星期三

Secret Cabins in the Woods  遠離塵囂 慢活小屋祕境不插電

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2018/12/04 第378期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Secret Cabins in the Woods 遠離塵囂 慢活小屋祕境不插電
Get away from the craziness of the city at one of these remote cabins.



   Things move fast in today’s world. People are often rushing to work or school. At other times, they’re glued to their smartphones without noticing anything around them. Wouldn’t it be nice to take a break, relax, and get back to nature for a while? That’s the idea behind Slow Cabins, a new company from Belgium.
   Slow Cabins provides guests with a tiny cabin out in the quiet countryside. The cabins are designed to be eco-friendly and self-sustaining. Therefore, they are powered by solar panels and supplied with a tank of clean rainwater. To help people connect with nature again, no television or internet connection is provided. Instead, guests can relax by the fire outside or enjoy food from local farmers. Another way that Slow Cabins helps customers unplug from the world is that when guests book a cabin, they have no idea where it is at first. The location of the cabin is not revealed to guests until shortly before they check in.
   Currently, Slow Cabins are only available in Belgium, but the company hopes the idea will catch on. If you are looking to get away for a while, give these remote cabins a try.




















1. cabin n. 小屋
The roof of the small cabin was covered with snow.

2. remote a. 遙遠的,偏遠的
Though Amy lives on a remote island, she keeps in touch with us through email.

3. eco-friendly a. 環保的
We should use eco-friendly products to promote green living.

4. supply vt. 供給,提供
supply A with B  提供/供應 B 給 A
This website supplies teachers with a lot of free teaching materials.

5. connect with...  與……建立良好關係;和……相連/聯繫
The internet has made it very easy for people to connect with others all over the world.

6. local a. 當地的
The local market sells many kinds of fruits and vegetables.

7. unplug vi. & vt. 拔去(電器等的)插頭
plug vt. 插上插頭 & n. 插頭
Please unplug the lamp so I can change the light bulb.

8. currently adv. 目前
My boss is currently out of the office, but she’ll be back later.


▼ self-sustaining a. 自給自足的
▼ solar panel
n. 太陽能發電板


形容現代人老是盯著手機或電視的樣子可以用非常貼切的片語 be glued to...,表「全神貫注地盯著……看,目不轉睛地看……」。片語中的 glue 作名詞本為「膠水」,作動詞時表用膠水來「黏住」某物。此外,相關片語 be glued to sb’s seat 則表「某人非常專注於某件事情,集中精力,動也不動」,也就是我們常常形容某人「黏在椅子上一動也不動」的樣子。例:

Tommy is glued to the TV whenever cartoons are on.
= Tommy’s eyes are glued to the TV whenever cartoons are on.

Larry is always glued to his seat when he reads a good novel.







大多數人在學習英文的歷程當中,有非常多的字句、單字都是不常會用到的,也因為這樣,而提不起興趣,久久不用就把單字忘光了,其實日常會用到的單字可能 1,000 個都不到,你應該從你真正用的到的字句開始學起

為失智叔奔波找歸宿 流程繁瑣折騰半年


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