2015年10月19日 星期一

A Better Beehive  蜂巢 風潮

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2015/10/20 第233期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Better Beehive  蜂巢 風潮
by Paul Hines

The Flow Hive is creating quite a buzz!

  Bees are an essential part of the ecosystem because they pollinate many of the fruits and vegetables that feed the world. In recent years, the problem of colony collapse disorder (CCD) has drastically reduced the bee population. The cause of the problem is still unknown, but hundreds of scientists and researchers are frantically trying to find the cause, and in turn, a solution to save the bees. Failing to do so may have dire consequences for the long-term survival of humanity. However, there has been a major breakthrough in assisting bees, but it hasn't come from a laboratory; it has come from an idea thought up by the son of an Australian honey farmer.
  The Anderson family has been keeping bees for several generations. A decade ago, Cedar Anderson suggested a better way to harvest the honey. His father, Stuart, thought the idea was brilliant, and for 10 years, they worked together refining the new beehive. Like many brilliant ideas, it is very simple. Anderson's beehive provides a method of harvesting the honey using a tap without disturbing the bees. Beekeepers and the honey industry will no longer have to wear protective clothing and use smoke to protect themselves when collecting the honey. This means that anyone with a backyard will be able to have a beehive and produce honey simply.
  To raise the money to put the Flow Hive into production and introduce it to the marketplace, the Andersons have turned to a public crowdsourcing campaign, which has created quite a buzz. They have already raised a staggering US$12 million… Sweet!

1. Who discovered the cause of colony collapse disorder?
(A) Hundreds of scientists and researchers.
(B) The son of an Australian honey farmer.
(C) The cause is still not known.
(D) It came from a laboratory.
2. How long has the Anderson family been keeping bees?
(A) For several generations.
(B) About 20 years.
(C) A decade or so.
(D) In recent years.
3. What is implied in the article?
(A) Keeping bees will be easier in the future.
(B) Keeping bees nowadays requires high technology.
(C) People don't keep bees because it is too expensive.
(D) People don't keep bees because of colony collapse disorder.
4. Who has funded the production of the Flow Hive?
(A) The Anderson family.
(B) The public.
(C) The government.
(D) The honey industry.


ecosystem n. 生態系統
colony collapse disorder  蜂群崩壞症候群
colony n. 群體
frantically adv. 狂熱地;發狂地
dire a. 可怕的;悲慘的
crowdsourcing. 群眾外包

  1. fail to V  未能(做)……
    衍: never fail to V  總會……
    The doctor failed to save his patient's life.
    These old photos never fail to remind me of my carefree childhood.
  2. think up...  想出……
    同: come up with...
    Nina was trying to think up an excuse for coming home late.
  3. turn to sb  求助於某人
    Steve has had a similar experience, so you can turn to him for advice.

The cause of the problem is still unknown, but hundreds of scientists and researchers are frantically trying to find the cause, and in turn, a solution to save the bees.
比較 in turn 與 in return 的區別
in turn  因此;接著
Jill is unhappy, and in turn, makes everyone around her unhappy as well.
in return  作為回報
Bill donated a lot of money to charity and asked for nothing in return.

  1. beehive n. 蜂巢
    同: honeycomb n.
    Visitors are told to stay away from the beehives.
  2. buzz n. 熱潮;嗡嗡聲 & vt.(按電鈴)呼叫
    I slept poorly last night because of the buzz of mosquitoes.
    *mosquito n. 蚊子
    Tina buzzed the security guard to open the door, but no one answered.
  3. bee n. 蜜蜂
    衍: hornet n. 大黃蜂
    wasp n. 黃蜂
    be as busy as a bee  像蜜蜂般地忙碌
    Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.
    *nectar n. 花蜜
    The workers are as busy as bees during this time of year.
  4. pollinate vt. 為(植物)授花粉
    Many kinds of plants, trees, and grasses need bees to pollinate them.
  5. drastically adv. 大大地;徹底地
    Paul's outlook on life changed drastically after surviving the plane crash.
  6. consequence n. 後果,結果
    衍: as a consequence of...  由於……
    = as a result of...
    = because of...
    John was late again as a consequence of a traffic jam.
  7. laboratory n. 實驗室(常簡寫為 lab)
  8. harvest vt. 採收,收割
    The farmer spent the whole day harvesting the rice in his fields.
  9. refine vt. 使精煉;提煉
    同: improve vt.
    Reading good books helps to refine our speech and writing.
    The country refines three million barrels of crude oil every year.
    *crude oil  原油
  10. tap n. 水龍頭(英式)& vt. 輕拍
    同: faucet n. 水龍頭(美式)
    The tap is off, but it is still dripping water.
    I tapped John on the shoulder to get his attention.
  11. disturb vt. 干擾,打擾
    All of a sudden, a loud noise outside our window disturbed our sleep.
  12. staggering a. 驚人的
    A staggering sum of money was spent on the couple's wedding.
  13. imply vt. 暗示,暗指
    Nina didn't mean to imply that you copied her work when she said your piece looked familiar.

蜂巢 風潮
  蜜蜂是生態系統中不可或缺的一部份,因為牠們為許多供應全世界的水果和蔬菜傳授花粉。近年來,蜂群崩壞症候群(簡稱 CCD)的問題已大大減少蜜蜂的數量。該問題的起因仍是未知數,不過數百名科學家和研究人員正拼命地試著找出原因,希望因此找出拯救蜜蜂的解決方案。如果不這麼做的話可能會對人類長期生存帶來可怕的後果。然而,在協助蜜蜂方面已有一大突破,但該突破並非來自實驗室;而是來自一個由澳洲蜂農的兒子所想出的點子。

1. 誰發現了造成蜂群崩壞症候群的原因?
(A) 數百名科學家以及研究人員。
(B) 澳洲蜂農的兒子。
(C) 原因仍然不明。
(D) 起因來自一個實驗室。
題解:根據本文第一段,近年來,蜂群崩壞症候群(簡稱 CCD)的問題已大大減少蜜蜂的數量。該問題的起因仍是未知數,不過數百名科學家和研究人員正拼命地試著找出原因,希望因此找出拯救蜜蜂的解決方案,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 安德森家族至今已養殖蜜蜂多長的時間?
(A) 好幾世代。
(B) 大約二十年。
(C) 十年左右。
(D) 近年才開始養殖。
題解:根據本文第二段,安德森家族幾世代以來都在養殖蜜蜂,故 (A) 項應為正選。
3. 本文暗指何事?
(A) 在未來,養蜂將變得更容易了。
(B) 當今養蜂需要高科技。
(C) 大眾不養蜂,因為養蜂所費不貲。
(D) 大眾由於蜂群崩壞症候群的緣故而不養蜂了。
題解:根據本文第二段,養蜂人以及蜂蜜產業在採蜜時將不再需要穿戴防護衣和使用煙霧來保護自己了。這意味著,任何人只要有一個後院就能擁有一個蜂箱並輕易地生產蜂蜜,故 (A) 項應為正選。
4. 誰資助流動蜂箱的生產?
(A) 安德森家族。
(B) 大眾。
(C) 政府。
(D) 蜂蜜產業。
題解:根據本文第三段,為了籌措資金好讓流動蜂箱投入生產並將它引進市場,安德森一家人已轉求於公共群眾外包活動的幫忙,該活動已掀起了一股熱潮,故 (B) 項應為正選。

答案: 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B



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