2019年8月19日 星期一

The Museum of Ice Cream 風靡全球網美朝聖打卡 —— 紐約冰淇淋博物館

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2019/08/20 第416期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Museum of Ice Cream 風靡全球網美朝聖打卡 —— 紐約冰淇淋博物館
Artists have designed a dreamy new world for Instagram fans.
藝術家為 Instagram 粉絲設計了一座夢幻新世界。


  The Museum of Ice Cream is an interactive art display that started in New York City in 2016. It is not a traditional museum, but a traveling art show designed for the enjoyment of smartphone users.
  The Museum of Ice Cream became famous with the help of Instagram. The museum presents many brightly colored backdrops as well as props that are perfect for fun selfies. The idea of the museum was created by Maryellis Bunn, a young artist from California. She was looking for a way to connect with young people and realized that the best way to do so would be through their smartphones. She chose ice cream as the theme because everyone loves ice cream. In the future, she would also like to create phoneless spaces that will invite visitors to interact with each other.
  Since its opening, the Museum of Ice Cream has hosted hundreds of thousands of visitors, including many famous people. It also has partnered with other creative brands across different industries. It’s clear that Bunn has found the picture perfect way to mix dessert with bright colors for the best kind of visual experience.


1. dreamy a. 夢幻般的,迷人的
That movie opens with a dreamy shot of a sunset.

2. present vt. 展示,呈現
The CEO presented the new product to the public in January.

3. be perfect for N/V-ing  對……是最完美的/最適合不過的
This black dress would be perfect for parties.

4. create vt. 創造;建立,開創
The writer created a magical world in her highly popular books.

5. host vt. 接待;主辦;主持
Sara is talking to Angela about hosting some guests from Japan.

6. partner vi. 合夥
partner (up) with...  與……合作
Microsoft recently partnered up with that startup company.
* startup a. 新創立的,新興的

7. industry n. 行業;產業;工業
The fashion industry would be an interesting business to get into.

8. mix A with B  將 A 與 B 結合/混合
Mix a few drops of lemon juice with the sauce to add flavor.

? backdrop n.(事物的)背景
? prop n. 道具
? phoneless a. 無手機的

想拍出最 picture perfect 的美照嗎?通常 perfect 就是形容完美,而 picture perfect 或作 picture-perfect 就好像修過圖的照片一樣,更加地完美無暇,所以 picture perfect 就是「外表完美無缺的;如畫般十全十美的」意思。例:
Lillian’s wedding dress was so lovely. She looked picture perfect on her big day.
Our new house in the countryside is picture-perfect!

   冰淇淋博物館是一個始於2016 年紐約市的互動式藝術展。它不是傳統的博物館,而是為智慧型手機使用者提供樂趣所設計的巡迴藝術展。
   冰淇淋博物館在 Instagram的推波助瀾下爆紅。博物館展示了許多適合趣味自拍且色彩鮮豔的布景和道具。創辦博物館的點子是來自加州的年輕藝術家瑪瑞麗絲•伯恩。她一直在尋找能夠和現代年輕人產生連結的方法,並領悟到最好的方法是透過他們的智慧型手機。她選擇冰淇淋為主題是因為大家都愛冰淇淋。未來她還想打造「無手機」空間邀遊客和他人互動。

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1


常春藤 31 歲囉∼給你好康不只 3+1
1 單本79折,任三本以上75折
2 滿額800即贈「精選典藏雜誌特輯-冒險特輯
3 滿額現折,買越多折越多!
眾多好處等你發現 趕快行動吧!


每天花 30 分鐘享受與孩子的親密時光,
沒有 3C 廣告干擾,幫孩子找回學習語言的專注力

歡慶31週年慶 你好!新鮮人!把心保鮮起來,學習永無止境。訂閱半年就送「小清新保溫防水便當袋」,訂一年則送「法國特福Tefal 保鮮三明治盒
漫步台北城西區散策 走讀台北最早開發老區

念故事時 孩子總是坐不住?

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