2015年9月7日 星期一

The Wheels on the Bus  文青巴士咖啡廳•豪華無上限

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2015/09/08 第212期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Wheels on the Bus  文青巴士咖啡廳•豪華無上限

  Riding the bus is a cheap, environmentally friendly way to get around town. However, in one American city, taking the bus has gone upscale1. Welcome to the world of Leap Bus.
  In San Francisco, Leap Bus came out earlier this year as a high-end substitute2 for the usual public transportation3. Five buses began taking commuters around the city in style. Rather than the usual cheap bench seats, the buses come with creamy leather5 ones. The vehicles also have on-board Wi-Fi available. There are even outlets6 so passengers can have their mobile phones recharged. This also comes in handy if they get a bit hungry or thirsty because, using the Leap app, commuters4 can order food and drinks on the bus.
  Of course, such enjoyment and convenience does not come cheap. A ride costs around US$6, or nearly three times what a normal bus ticket costs in the city. A fresh organic7 juice while you ride will set you back another US$7. In a city where tech-conscious8 people love a good start-up, Leap Bus might just become the next big thing.








  搭乘巴士是一個便宜又環保的方式來讓人在城鎮中四處走動。然而,在美國的某一個城市裡,搭巴士變得很高檔。歡迎來到 Leap 巴士的世界。
  今年初在舊金山,Leap 巴士以比一般的大眾交通運輸相對更高檔的替代品亮相。有五輛巴士開始很氣派地載著通勤族前往城市四處。不同於一般便宜的長椅座位,這些巴士附有奶油色真皮座椅。這些車輛也提供車上的 Wi-Fi。甚至還有電源插座,因此乘客的手機可以充電。這還有一個方便之處,如果他們覺得有點餓或口渴,只要使用 Leap 的應用程式,通勤族就可以在巴士上點餐和飲料。
  當然,這樣的享受和便利是不會便宜的。搭一趟車要花費約六美元,約城市一般巴士票價三倍的價格。坐車時點一杯新鮮有機的果汁會讓你另外花費七美元。在一個具科技意識的人們都喜歡新興行業的城市裡,Leap 巴士一定會造成下一波大流行。

  1. high-end a. 高檔次的
    High-end products are much more expensive than low-end ones.
  2. in style  奢華地
    The once-famous actress lived in style after she retired.
  3. come with...  附有……
    All main meals come with salad, soup, and dessert.
  4. ehicle n. 車輛
    To improve traffic, we need to cut down on the number of vehicles on the road.
  5. recharge vt. 重新充電
    I forgot to recharge the battery in my camera. May I use yours?
  6. come in handy  派上用場
    This Spanish phrase book will come in handy on my vacation in Latin America.
  7. normal a. 正常的
    I considered Kevin's actions quite normal.
  8. set sb back + 金錢  使某人花費……
    The purse Anna bought set her back NT$6,000.
  1. upscale a. 高檔的
  2. substitute n. 替代品
  3. transportation n. 交通運輸
  4. commuter n. 通勤者
  5. leather n. 皮革
  6. outlet n. 電源插座
  7. organic a. 有機的
  8. conscious a. 有意識的

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聽見名畫的頻率 英國國家藝廊中的「音景」

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