2019年1月10日 星期四


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2019/01/11 第444期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 世界頂尖的美術館
【本月發燒書】 英語閱讀技巧完全攻略1【二版】
【好康情報局】 大家都在看什麼?年度暢銷榜開獎!書展單書79折,套書75折起↘

【寂天講堂 - have作行為動詞怎麼用?】

1. have 經常用來描述「動作」,此時不可用have got 代替。但可以使用進行式。例:
Alfred is having dinner at this time.
Are you still having dinner?
We're not having dinner. We're having dessert.

2. have 作「行為動詞」時,否定句和疑問句要使用助動詞do/does 或did 來構成。例:
I don't usually have lunch before 1 p.m.
Where do you have lunch?
Did you have lunch at the new restaurant?

3. 其他have作為行為動詞的用法:
● 表示「喝飲料」
have a soft drink 喝飲料
have a cup of tea 喝茶
have a cup of coffee 喝咖啡
have a Coke 喝可樂

● 表示「吃東西」
have a bite 吃一口
have breakfast 吃早餐
have lunch 吃午餐
have dinner 吃晚餐

● 表示「休假、遊樂」
have a day off 放一天假
have a holiday 放假
have a party 舉辦派對
have a good time 玩得開心

● 表示「說話」
have a conversation 對話
have a talk 交談
have a chat 聊天
have a meeting 開會

────── 節錄寂天講堂「have作行為動詞怎麼用?」

世界頂尖的美術館 The World's Best Art Museums

The Louvre, in Paris, is the most visited gallery in the world. It has existed for more than 200 years and displays 35,000 works of art, including the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In 2012, the Louvre opened a sister gallery in the town of Lens in northern France, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi is scheduled to open in 2015.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City, has the second highest number of visitors. It is unusual because it has one of the most impressive collections on the planet but no fixed admission fee; visitors pay whatever they can afford.

The third, fourth, and fifth most popular art museums—the British Museum, the Tate Modern, and the National Gallery—are all in London. Although the British Museum and National Gallery were founded in 1752 and 1824, respectively, the Tate Modern didn't open its doors until 2000. It is located inside a former power station.

巴黎的羅浮宮是全球最受歡迎的美術館,擁有超過200 年的歷史,展出35000 件以上的藝術品,包括達文西的《蒙娜麗莎》。2012 年,羅浮宮於法國北部的朗斯鎮設立姊妹館,而羅浮宮阿布達比分館則預計於2015 年開幕。


排名第三名、第四名和第五名的熱門美術館分別為位於倫敦的大英博物館、泰特現代藝術館以及國家美術館。雖然大英博物館成立於1752 年;國家美術館成立於1824 年,但泰特現代美術館一直到2000 年才開幕,且館址前身為發電廠。




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