2016年9月19日 星期一

America's National Parks  美國國家公園

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2016/09/20 第266期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

America's National Parks  美國國家公園
National Geographic Channel will show you North America's natural wonders in all their beauty.


  This year, the United States National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its 100th anniversary. The NPS is responsible for operating and protecting the natural wonders found in all of America's 59 national parks. The parks are home to some of North America's greatest natural treasures, from the Grand Canyon to the geysers of Yellowstone. In celebration of the NPS' 100th birthday, National Geographic Channel's (NGC) America's National Parks takes you on a breathtaking journey. It will show you the jewels of North America like you have never seen them before.
  The series took more than three years to produce and was filmed in some of the wildest and most remote places in America. It shows viewers what happens far from the main tourist trails. Viewers get to observe otters swimming through large kelp forests off the Pacific Coast, watch grizzly bears catching salmon in Alaska, and see alligators hunting in the Everglades National Park. This series shows a different side to the parks that are familiar to so many. Tune in to America's National Parks this month on the NGC to see another side of America's greatest treasures.



  1. be responsible for...  為……負責;是……的原因
    On weekends, my sister and I are responsible for doing the dishes.
  2. be home to...  是……的所在地
    This town is home to the best museum in the country.
  3. remote a. 偏僻的;遙遠的
    Though Amy lives on a remote island, she keeps in touch with us through email.
  4. far from...  離……很遠
    My sister moved far from our parents' house after she got married.
  5. observe vt. 觀察
    Have you observed any changes in Sam's behavior?
  6. be familiar to sb  對某人而言很熟悉
    This classic movie had quotes that are familiar to Thomas.

anniversary n. 週年紀念(日)
geyser n. 間歇泉
otter n. 水獺
kelp n. 巨型海藻
grizzly bear n. 北美灰熊
alligator n. 短吻鱷

2016 Back to School!全館套書75折!


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