2016年8月16日 星期二

Feeling Like a Phony 冒充者症候群

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2016/08/16 第276期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Feeling Like a Phony 冒充者症候群
by Paul Hines

Imposter syndrome is making successful women feel fake and deceitful.

  Back in the late 1970s, two psychologists at Georgia State University noticed a peculiar phenomenon common among successful businesswomen ── excessive and unreasonably high levels of self-doubt. _(1)_ They also felt like they were deceiving everyone by being successful. The researchers named this condition "imposter syndrome." _(2)_ It also tends to be more commonly experienced by anxious female perfectionists working in male-dominated industries. Fortunately, imposter syndrome is not usually permanent. _(3)_
  Imposter syndrome can strike anyone at any time. Even Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, has described how at times she feels like a fraud that doesn't deserve to be where she is. Then there are Jodie Foster, Emma Watson, and Kate Winslet, three of the world's most admired actresses. _(4)_
  One of the paradoxes of imposter syndrome is that it is usually experienced by people who do deserve their success. Meanwhile, people who never suffer from even an occasional moment of self-doubt may be experiencing what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. _(5)_ This condition is experienced by incompetent people that have confidently bluffed their way into positions of importance ── often high-ranking officials. These people, who are completely unaware of their lack of ability, are said to be too incompetent to realize just how incompetent they really are!
(A) Recent studies estimate that imposter syndrome affects around 70% of people, most of whom are women.
(B) They have similarly expressed how their success makes them feel like imposters that have pulled the wool over the public's eyes by faking their acting abilities.
(C) It will come and go at various times early on in a career and then eventually disappear completely as it is replaced by confidence.
(D) It is the exact opposite of imposter syndrome.
(E) These women considered their success and achievements the result of good luck instead of hard work and competence.
(F) The disease is believed to be caused by a faulty gene.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Back in the late 1970s, two psychologists at Georgia State University noticed a peculiar phenomenon common among successful businesswomen..."(早在 1970 年代末期,兩位喬治亞州立大學的心理學家在成功的女企業家身上就察覺到一種不尋常的現象……),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "These women considered their success and achievements the result of good luck instead of hard work and competence."(這些女性認為她們的成功與成就都是因為運氣好,而非努力與能力換來的結果。),前後兩句以 women(女性)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. consider vt. 考慮
    Sam is considered to be an expert in information technology.
    b. achievement n. 成就
    c. competence n. 能力
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The researchers named this condition 'imposter syndrome.'"(研究人員將這種狀況命名為『冒充者症候群』。),而 (A) 項的句子進一步說明 "Recent studies estimate that imposter syndrome affects around 70% of people, most of whom are women."(近期的研究估計冒充者症候群影響大約 70% 的民眾,其中大多數為女性。),前後兩句皆提及 imposter syndrome(冒充者症候群),且語意通順,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    estimate vt. 估計,估算
    It is estimated that this species of fish has been around for millions of years.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Fortunately, imposter syndrome is not usually permanent."(值得慶幸的是,冒充者症候群通常都不是永久性的。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "It will come and go at various times early on in a career and then eventually disappear completely as it is replaced by confidence."(它會在一段職涯初期的不同時刻來來去去,且最終會由自信心取代而完全消失。),前一句提及imposter syndrome(冒充者症候群)通常都不是永久性的,而後一句的代名詞 It(它)即指空格前一句的 imposter syndrome,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. various a. 各式各樣的;多方面的
    b. replace vt. 取代,替代
    衍: replace A with B  以 B 取代 A
    In order to decrease production costs, the company wants to replace their workers with robots.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Then there are Jodie Foster, Emma Watson, and Kate Winslet, three of the world's most admired actresses."(此外還有茱蒂•佛斯特、艾瑪•華森以及凱特•溫斯蕾這三位世上最受推崇的女演員。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "They have similarly expressed how their success makes them feel like imposters that have pulled the wool over the public's eyes by faking their acting abilities."(她們都同樣表達自身的成功讓她們感覺像是冒充者,藉由冒充演技來蒙蔽世人的眼睛。),前一句
    提及 actresses(女演員),後一句提及 acting abilities(演技),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. similarly adv. 相似地;同樣地
    b. pull the wool over sb's eyes  矇騙某人
    Jason thinks he can pull the wool over his manager's eyes, but he can't fool anyone.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Meanwhile, people who never suffer from even an occasional moment of self-doubt may be experiencing what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect."(同時,從未有過即使是偶爾自我懷疑的人可能會經歷到所謂的達克效應。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "It is the exact opposite of imposter syndrome."(它與冒充者症候群恰好相反。),前一句提及 Dunning-Kruger effect(達克效應),而後一句的代名詞 It(它)即指空格前一句的 Dunning-Kruger effect,且置入後語意通順,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

phony n. 騙子
imposter n. 冒名頂替者;騙子
syndrome n. 症候群,綜合症
psychologist n. 心理學家
peculiar a. 奇怪的;獨特的
excessive a. 過度/多的;極度的
self-doubt n. 自我懷疑
perfectionist n. 完美主義者
male-dominated a. 男性主導的
fraud n. 騙子;詐騙
paradox n. 自相矛盾的議論
incompetent a. 無能的;不能勝任的
bluff vt. 欺騙;嚇唬;虛張聲勢
high-ranking a. 職位高的
official n.(政府)官員,公務員

  1. tend to V  往往會/易於……
    Sally tends to eat more at night when she skips lunch.
  2. at times  有時,偶爾
    Vicky thinks her little sister is a real brat at times.
    *brat n. 小搗蛋,頑童
  3. suffer from...  飽受……之苦
    The number of people suffering from insomnia is increasing.
    *insomnia n. 失眠
  4. be unaware of...  不知道/沒察覺……
    Linda was completely unaware of the surprise birthday party we had in store for her.
    *have... in store for sb/sth  某人/某事物有……即將發生
  1. deceitful a. 騙人的;虛假的
    衍: deceive vt. 欺騙
    You should never deceive others. The truth will eventually come to light.
    *come to light  真相大白;被披露出來
  2. notice vt. 注意,察覺
    I wonder if anyone noticed that I was wearing two different colored socks today.
  3. phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
    衍: phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
  4. unreasonably adv. 超乎常理地;不講理地
    反: reasonably adv. 合理地;適度地
    Many people think that the import tax on foreign goods is unreasonably high.
    At the fish market, I can find a wide variety of seafood at reasonably low prices.
    *a wide variety of...  各式各樣的……
  5. anxious a. 焦慮的;渴望的
    衍: anxiously adv. 焦急地,焦慮地
    Jim is poor at math and gets anxious whenever he has to take an exam.
    Gina walked back and forth in the lobby, waiting anxiously for her clients.
  6. permanent a. 永久的
    反: temporary a. 暫時的
    Bill should give up smoking before it does permanent damage to his lungs.
    *do damage to...  對……造成傷害
    The solution to the problem is only temporary.
  7. strike vt. & vi. 襲擊;侵襲(三態為:strike, struck, struck。)
    The small town was struck by a tornado last week.
  8. describe vt. 形容,描述
    衍: describe A as B  將 A 描述為 B
    Everyone I've spoken to describes Jacob as a rather reliable young man.
    *reliable a. 可靠的,可信賴的
  9. deserve vt. 值得,應得
    衍: deserve to V  應得/值得……
    All of your hard work will pay off and you'll get exactly what you deserve.
    *pay off  有所回報
    I don't deserve to be treated as a child.
  10. admire vt. 欣賞;欽佩
    We all admire our manager for his capacity for handling tough problems.
    *capacity n. 能力;容量
  11. occasional a. 偶爾的
    衍: occasionally adv. 偶爾,有時
    Brad's occasional lateness didn't use to bother me, but now I've had enough.
    Karen occasionally takes a nap after lunch.
  12. completely adv. 徹底地,完全地
    While reading the book, I completely lost track of time.
    *lose track of...  忘卻……;與……失去聯繫

  早在 1970 年代末期,兩位喬治亞州立大學的心理學家在成功的女企業家身上就察覺到一種不尋常的現象 ── 過度且高得離譜的自我懷疑。這些女性認為她們的成功與成就都是因為運氣好,而非努力與能力換來的結果。她們也覺得自己利用成功來欺騙了所有人。研究人員將這種狀況命名為『冒充者症候群』。近期的研究估計冒充者症候群影響大約 70% 的民眾,其中大多數為女性。而且,多半是在男性優勢的產業中工作的焦慮女性完美主義者更常有這樣的體驗。值得慶幸的是,冒充者症候群通常都不是永久性的。它會在一段職涯初期的不同時刻來來去去,且最終會由自信心取代而完全消失。
  冒充者症候群的其中一個矛盾之處是往往是那些確實有資格稱得上成功的人們才會有此體驗。同時,從未有過即使是偶爾自我懷疑的人可能會經歷到所謂的達克效應。它與冒充者症候群恰好相反。這種情況是由沒有能力卻自信滿滿地招搖撞騙以獲得要職的人們所經歷 ── 往往是高階官員。這些人絲毫沒有意識到他們能力的不足,據說他們是太過無能而無法意識到自己有多麼地無能!
答案: 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

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