2016年6月1日 星期三

Telling It like It Is 比賽氣氛掌控大師 —— 體育賽事解說員

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2016/05/24 第249期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Telling It like It Is   比賽氣氛掌控大師 —— 體育賽事解說員

  Sportscasters call games and add special facts to broadcasts. They give play-by-play accounts of what is happening and also let people know little-known, behind-the-scenes details. Some sports fans hate certain sportscasters, while others become legends in their own cities for the way they call the games.
  Out of all the sportscasters that have been on TV or radio, there is one that stands out above the others—Howard Cosell. Cosell rose to fame when boxer Muhammad Ali was the champion. For a while, no one knew if these two were enemies or friends, but whatever their relationship was, people watched Cosell's famous interviews with the champ. Cosell also was the first host of Monday Night Football, which went on to become a huge hit. Cosell was not limited to boxing and football, though. He was so loved that he announced many of the events at the Olympics. Cosell is also remembered for a tragedy. On the night when John Lennon was murdered in 1980, Cosell was the first person to announce the death of the popular member of The Beatles to America. Most importantly, Cosell will always be remembered for changing sportscasting in many positive ways.


  在所有電視或廣播電台的體育賽事解說員中,有一位從中脫穎而出,那位就是霍華德•科塞爾。拳擊手穆罕默德•阿里成為拳王時,科塞爾迅速竄紅。有一陣子,沒人知道這兩位是敵人或朋友,但是不論他們的關係為何,人們都會收看科塞爾對這位冠軍做的著名採訪。科塞爾也是《週一足球夜》節目的首位主持人,這個節目後來變得很熱門。然而,科塞爾不僅限於播報拳擊和美式足球比賽而已。他播報的眾多奧運賽事也十分受人喜愛。科塞爾也因為一場悲劇而為人所知。約翰•藍儂於 1980 年被謀殺的當天晚上,科塞爾是第一位對美國大眾宣布這位披頭四樂團知名成員死訊的人。最重要的是,科塞爾將會因為對體育賽事播報做了許多好的改變而名垂後世。

  1. broadcast n. 電視節目;廣播節目
    Ted watches the news broadcast on CNN every morning.
    泰德每天早上都會看 CNN 的新聞節目。
  2. account n. 報導,敘述
    The news gave a first-hand account of the accident.
  3. behind-the-scenes a. 幕後的;秘密的
    The movie studio released behind-the-scenes footage of an upcoming movie.
  4. legend n. 傳奇(人物);傳說
    The basketball legend retired and started his own school.
  5. stand out  脫穎而出
    That researcher's proposal stands out from the rest of the proposals.
  6. be limited to...  侷限於……
    Aaron's interests are limited to movies, motorcycles, and sports.
  7. announce vt. 當……的播報員,播報;宣布
    Brad and Lily announced that they are going to get married this year.
  8. murder vt. 謀殺
    Joseph murdered his friend in cold blood for money.
  1. sportscaster n. 體育賽事解說員
  2. play-by-play a.(運動比賽的)實況報導的


本文 "Cosell rose to fame when boxer Muhammad Ali was the champion." 中的 rose to fame 表『迅速竄紅』,片語 rise to fame 裡的 fame(名聲,名氣)為名詞,常見相關用語還有 fame and fortune,表『名氣與財富』。例:

The 12-year-old boy rose to fame after he won the international chess tournament.

In spite of Jerry's fame and fortune, he was unhappy.

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