1. crocodile n. 鱷魚 2. fearsome a. 可怕的,令人生畏的 Piranhas are superb hunters that definitely deserve their fearsome fame. 食人魚是一流的獵食者,牠們可怕的名聲可謂實至名歸。 *piranha n. 食人魚 3. predator n. 捕食者 If an octopus feels threatened by a predator, it may curl up to look like a rock. 要是章魚感受到掠食者的威脅時,就會把身體捲成像石頭的模樣。 *curl vi. & vt.(使)彎曲;捲曲 4. adventurous a. 富冒險精神的 衍: adventure n. 冒險 That adventurous man likes to go skydiving. 那名富有冒險精神的男子喜歡玩高空跳傘。 *skydiving n. 跳傘運動 Chris had an extraordinary adventure in India. 克里斯在印度經歷了一場驚心動魄的冒險之旅。 *extraordinary a. 非凡的 5. conservationist n. 保育人士 衍: conservation n. 保育(自然資源、動植物等) Nina was inspired to be a conservationist after she watched a documentary. 妮娜看完一部紀錄片後,受到啟發而想成為一名保育人士。 The conservation group condemned the fishermen for killing endangered animals. 該保育團體譴責漁民殺害瀕臨絕種的動物。 *condemn vt. 責難,譴責 6. intervention n. 介入;干預 衍: intervene vi. 介入;干預 intervene in... 介入/干預…… The teacher's intervention soon brought the dispute to an end. 老師的介入讓這場糾紛很快就結束。 I didn't intervene in the argument between Tom and Rose, because it was none of my business. 我沒有介入湯姆和蘿絲間的爭論,因為這不關我的事。 7. authorities n. 當局(恆用複數) 衍: the authorities concerned 有關當局 The authorities concerned agreed to launch an inquiry into the plane crash. 有關當局同意對這起墜機事件展開調查。 *inquiry n. 調查(與介詞 into 並用) 8. compassionate a. 有同情心的 Dr. Wang is very compassionate towards his patients. 王醫師對他的病人都很有同情心。 9. expertise n. 專業知識/技能 Your expertise in this area is greatly appreciated. 我們很欣賞你在這個領域的專業知識。 10. scrap n. 碎片;廢料,廢品 You can reuse leftovers by composting kitchen scraps. 你可以藉著將廚餘製成堆肥再度利用剩飯菜。 *leftovers n. 剩飯菜 compost vt. 將……製成堆肥 |