Jenny and Martin meet at a trade show Jenny: Oops, excuse me. Martin: No problem at all. Jenny: Pardon me, but I feel like I see you at these trade shows all the time. I suppose I ought to introduce myself if we're going to keep running into each other. I'm Jenny Malone. Martin: Martin Finch. Nice to meet you. I recognized you as well. So, who do you work for? Jenny: I'm with Hardy and Sons, You? Martin: Spiros. So, what do you think of the show? Jenny: Honestly, last year's was better. This one seems rather empty . . . in my humble opinion. Martin: I had exactly the same feeling. I'm afraid it's going to be a waste of time. 珍妮和馬丁在某商展上會面 Jenny: 噢,對不起。 Martin: 沒關係。 Jenny: 不好意思,我在這次商展中好像常常看到你。如果我們倆要不時地打照面的話,我應該要自我介紹一番才對。我是珍妮•馬龍。 Martin:我是馬汀•芬奇,很高興認識你。對了,我也認出你來了,你在哪兒高就? Jenny: 我在哈迪與桑斯那兒做事,你呢? Martin:我在史派羅斯服務,對了,你覺得這次商展如何? Jenny: 老實說,去年的比較好,這次似乎很空洞……這只是我個人的淺見。 Martin:我也有同感,恐怕這只是浪費時間。 |