父親節 (2) |
Since then, Father's Day has always fallen on the third Sunday in June in the United States. Many other countries now celebrate Father's Day, too, though not necessarily on the same date as in the United States. In Taiwan, for example, Father's Day is celebrated on August 8, as the date, when read aloud in Chinese, sounds like the word for “father.” Nowadays, Father's Day is celebrated much the same way as Mother's Day, by taking one's father out to dinner or sending greeting cards. Another practice that mimics the Mother's Day tradition is the wearing and giving of flowers. While the carnation is the flower for Mother's Day, roses are associated with Father's Day. People give or wear red roses if their fathers are alive, while white roses are worn to honor one's father who has passed away. 從此之後,美國的父親節一直都定在六月的第三個星期日。現今也有許多其他的國家慶祝父親節,雖然日子不盡然跟美國相同,例如台灣的父親節是在八月八日慶祝,因為這個日期的中文讀音聽起來很像「爸爸」。 現在,慶祝父親節的方式跟母親節頗為相似,包括請父親吃頓晚餐或是贈送感恩卡片,另一項模仿母親節的傳統是配戴花朵或獻花。母親節的代表花是康乃馨,而父親節的代表花則是玫瑰。若一個人的父親仍然健在,會配戴或送紅玫瑰;而若父親已過世,則會配戴白玫瑰以表紀念。 |
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