2019年11月7日 星期四


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2019/11/08 第486期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 「昂貴的」英文有幾種說法?
【英語學習Plus】 奇特的動物:雙髻鯊
【本月發燒書】 龍龍與忠狗 The Dog of Flanders【Grade 2經典文學讀本】二版
【好康情報局】 ★當經典遇見經典★Let's Enjoy Masterpieces世界文學名著改寫讀本展?套書優惠65折,單書75折!


▌expensive 意思是「價格高」,一般暗示價格超過了物品的價值或者購買者的購買能力。人們所需要的日常用品(比如:書、車費、票、衣服、食品等),用expensive 來表示昂貴,而不用costly 來表示。

• expensive jacket 昂貴的夾克
• expensive toy 昂貴的玩具

▌costly (adj.) 通常指「代價高」,對什麼事有嚴重的後果,需要付出很多錢或很多努力才能糾正或取代。costly 也可用來指物品因稀少珍貴precious, very valuable)、因精巧或豪華而價格昂貴。

• costly victory 代價高的勝利
• costly gems 貴重的寶石
• Not insuring your car might prove very costly, especially if you lend it to Lily.

▌dear 指「高價的」(high-priced),超過了正常或公平的價格。dear 也指「珍貴的」、「在??(心中)寶貴的」(precious, much valued)。

• "Beef is so dear these days," complained Liz.
• Both you and Lee are very dear to me.

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「「昂貴的」英文有幾種說法?」

奇特的動物:雙髻鯊 Strange Animals: The Hammerhead Shark

The hammerhead shark is an underwater mystery. Why is its head shaped like a hammer? Nobody is sure. For years, people thought the shark's shape helped it to smell food, or swim faster. But now there is a new idea about this strange animal.

It seems that the hammerhead can see better than other sharks. Although its eyes are far apart, it can look up, down, left, and right. It can also see straight ahead. It can easily guess the distance between itself and other fish. This means that the hammerhead shark can hunt very well.

This shark changed the shape of its face over thousands of years. As its face got bigger, it saw more and more of the sea around it. It could catch more fish to eat. The hammerhead changed because it needed to survive.

雙髻鯊猶如一海底謎團。牠的頭型為什麼會像一隻槌子? 答案尚無人知曉。多年來,大家都以為雙髻鯊的頭型有助於嗅聞食物,或加快游速。但如今,我們對此奇特動物有了新的見解。



龍龍與忠狗 The Dog of Flanders【Grade 2經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)

Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文(32K彩色版軟精裝)

Learn Smart! 狄克生片語這樣背【完全解析】(32K彩色軟精裝+1MP3)

Fun學英文簡報:商務簡報技巧&範例(25K軟精裝 +1MP3)

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