1. octopus n. 章魚(單數形) 衍: octopuses n. 章魚(複數形) = octopi n. 2. defense n. 防禦,保衛;自我防衛 衍: defense mechanism 防禦機制 mechanism n.(身體的)機制 The actor put his defenses up while the reporters were asking him personal questions. 那位男演員被記者問到私人問題時便築起了防衛心。 3. lurk vi. 潛伏,潛藏,埋伏 None of us were aware that a sniper was lurking in the bushes. 我們沒人知道有個狙擊手正潛伏在樹叢裡。 *sniper n. 狙擊手 4. enormous a. 巨大的,龐大的 The earthquake left an enormous crack running down the middle of the road. 這場地震讓道路中央出現一道巨大的裂縫。 *crack n. 裂縫 5. span vt.(空間)橫跨;(時間)涵蓋 The US spans about 3,000 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 美國從大西洋到太平洋橫跨約三千英里。 The nun's work with orphans spans over half a century. 這位修女對孤兒們付出心力超過半個世紀。 6. overturn vt. & vi.(使)翻覆 The rough water overturned their boat. 洶湧的波濤讓他們的船隻翻覆了。 *rough a.(海象、天氣等)狂暴的 The car overturned after skidding. 那部車打滑後翻覆。 *skid vi. 滑行 7. victim n. 受害者 衍: fall victim to... 成為……的受害者 = fall prey to... Many people fell victim to the Ebola virus, and yet their families could do nothing about it. 許多人成為伊波拉病毒的受害者,而他們的家人也無能為力。 8. no-brainer n. 簡單的問題,不用動腦筋的事 9. intelligence n. 智力,聰明 衍: intelligent a. 聰明的;有才智的 Angelina is known for her intelligence. 安潔莉娜以其聰明才智為人所知。 Ben is a highly intelligent child, so it's hard to fool him. 阿班是個非常聰明的小孩,因此要騙他並不容易。 10. adaptation n. 適應(與介詞 to 並用);改編(與介詞 of 並用) 衍: adapt vt. 使適應;改編 adapt oneself to N/V-ing 適應…… This lizard's brown skin is an adaptation to the desert. 這種蜥蜴的棕色皮膚是為了適應沙漠。 *lizard n. 蜥蜴 The director is working on a film adaptation of this short novel. 導演正在拍攝這部短篇小說改編的電影。 When you go to a new country, you have to adapt yourself to its customs. 當你到一個新的國家時,你必須適應它的風俗習慣。 *custom n. 風俗,習俗 11. footage n. 影片(片段) 12. hinder vt. 妨礙 The situation hindered our pace and caused a lot of trouble. 這種狀況妨礙了我們的進度,也造成許多麻煩。 13. surface n. 表面 14. wrestling n. 摔角 衍: wrestle vi.(與……)摔角 wrestle with... 與……摔角 Sumo wrestling is said to be the national sport of Japan. 相撲據說是日本的國家運動。 The two boys wrestled with each other. 這兩名男孩扭打在一起。 15. award vt. 授與,頒發 衍: be awarded sth 獲頒某物 Terry was awarded first prize in the essay competition. 泰瑞在作文比賽中獲頒第一名。 16. confront vt. 面臨,遭遇 衍: be confronted with... 面臨……,遭遇…… We were confronted with many problems before the project was completed. 在這件企劃完成前,我們遭遇許多困難。 17. firsthand adv. 直接地,第一手地 & a. 第一手的 I heard it firsthand from Betty that she is quitting. 我從貝蒂那裡聽到第一手消息說她要辭職了。 I have some firsthand news I want to tell you about. 我有些第一手的消息想告訴你。 |