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2021/07/09 第573期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 討論問題的解決方案
【英語學習Plus】 Unique Art 獨特的藝術
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力滿分奪金演練:1000題練出黃金應試力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
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無論是在工作場合、學習環境、日常生活,我們無時無刻都有可能面臨問題, 發現問題並進一步討論、解決,這些相關的英文句子有那些呢?


A. Identifying problems 發現問題

1. One problem is that new staff don't understand our procedures well enough. 有一個問題就是新員工對我們的程序不夠了解。

2. The biggest hurdle, I think, is Sara's lack of experience. 我想最大的問題,在於Sara的經驗不足。

3. The budget is the real can of worms here. 預算才是最棘手的問題。

4. The most pressing issue seems to be the outdated hardware. 最急迫的問題似乎是過時的硬體設備。

5. I disagree; I think the underlying trouble is actually poor training. 我不贊同;我認為潛在的問題其實是出於訓練不完善。

6. I've been trying to get management's attention and they're blowing me off. 我一直想引起管理高層的注意,但他們都置之不理。

7. She's slowing everyone down by micromanaging us. 她對我們管東管西,造成大家進度落後。


B. Asking for solutions 詢問解決方案

8. What should we do about the mess in accounting? 我們要怎麼處理會計的問題?

9. Does anyone have a suggestion for the predicament we're in at Site Three? 有人對我們在「地點三」遇到的問題有建議嗎?

10. We need to brainstorm ways to put out the fire at HQ before we do anything else. 在作出任何事之前,我們要先腦力激盪,想出解決總公司問題的辦法。

11. Let's talk about solutions for our staffing problems. 我們來討論人員配置問題的解決辦法。

12. Has anyone figured out how to fix the formatting problems on the report? 有誰想出怎麼處理報告中的格式問題?


C. Suggesting solutions 建議解決方案

13. I think it's time we reevaluated our training procedures. 我想是時候重新評估我們的訓練程序了。

14. We need to set up a meeting between accounting and management right away. They need to resolve their problems. 我們要立即召開會計部與管理部門的會議。他們必須要解決他們之間的問題。

15. The only way to move forward, in my opinion, is to accept that this project will be over-budget and go from there. 我個人認為,要繼續下去的唯一辦法就是接受此專案會超出預算的事實,然後再進一步討論。

16. If we can get the staff to agree to a week of overtime, we'll be in good shape. 若我們能讓員工同意加班一星期,我們就不會有問題。

17. To settle this, the first thing we need to do is change designers. 要解決此事,首先要做的就是換掉設計師們。

18. We can't clear this mess up without involving the executives. 我們無法不藉助主管的力量來解決這問題。


────── 節錄寂天講堂「討論問題的解決方案」

Unique Art 獨特的藝術

Most people think that art is just painting or drawing. But there are many other kinds of unique art.

For example, some artists love cold weather. The reason they like the cold is that they make ice sculptures. They take huge blocks of ice and use saws, hammers, and chisels to create sculptures. Of course, when the weather gets warmer, their artwork disappears.

Most people don't think of bed covers as art, but others do. Many people make quilts. These are bed covers. But the quilt makers put many designs on their quilts. The designs can be simple, or they can be very complicated. But no two quilts are ever alike. Quilt making is a popular form of folk art in some places.

In America, Native Americans have many unique forms of art. Some of them paint rocks. Others make tiny sculptures from rocks, wood, or bone. And some Native Americans even use sand to make art! This is called sand painting. It can produce many beautiful pieces of art.





──選自《超級英語閱讀訓練 1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】(16K+1MP3))》


焦點英語閱讀 3:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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