2016年6月6日 星期一


健康飲食、肥胖、醫學新知…各種你想知道的醫學健康資訊、名醫提供的保健錦囊,都在【健康e世界】。 【慈濟月刊電子報】提供證嚴上人衲履足跡的彙編選粹,慈悲與智慧的雋永語錄,是您日常生活中的心靈資糧!
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2016/06/06 第190期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


A) 抵消
B) 面臨
C) 培養

Why are human beings impatient? Because "the human mind has a tendency to value the present more than the future," says David DeSteno, a professor at Northeastern University. We often blame a person's impatience on their emotional state, and we thought the way to (A) counteract this effect was by logic and willpower. However, DeSteno's new study found that gratitude helps people become more patient.

In the study, the participants were asked to complete a task on a computer, and they would (B) encounter a frustrating situation where the computer broke down, and the experimenter would tell them that they had to start over from the beginning once the computer was fixed. Then an actor would come in to help them solve the technical problem so they could (1) pick up where they left off on their task. Most people were grateful for the help of the actor.

The researchers continued to measure their gratitude levels for the next three weeks and found that those who felt more gratitude during the task were more likely to feel gratitude throughout their week. After the three weeks, the participants were offered the choice of some cash immediately or a higher amount later on. Those who were more gracious were more willing to wait for more money (2) down the line.

The result of the study shows that gratitude enhances people's self control and ability to wait. The way to (C) cultivate gratitude is to not always focus on the bigger things in your life that you're thankful for, but to focus on smaller things, like a nice favor someone did for you. "By taking time to (3) count your blessings and focus on things that you are grateful for, you are enhancing your self control," DeSteno says.

1. Pick up where someone left off 從之前停止的地方再度開始
It's starting to rain so we will have to stop the game for now. We will pick up where we left off once it stops raining.

2. Down the line 未來,一段時間後
If we don't solve the problem now, we still have to face it down the line.

3. Count one's blessings 想想生命中的美好事物並感到感恩
Blessings 指的是上帝賜予的恩典,整句話即「細數你的恩典」,提醒人對擁有的一切要感恩知足。
Whenever I feel sad, I count my blessings and realize that I am very fortunate.


英文句型中有所謂「感嘆句」(Exclamatory Sentences),句子多半不長,但若沒注意到一些細節,就很容易出錯。以下五個例句,請試著debug出來。

1. How tall is this boy! 這男孩真高啊!

2. What wonderful a plan it is! 多麼棒的計劃啊!

3. Those poor people are very unfortunate! 那些窮人真不幸啊!

4. How happy kid he is! 多麼快樂的孩子啊!

5. What happy a kid he is! 多麼快樂的孩子啊!


  1.  How tall this boy is! 感嘆句與疑問句的詞序(word order)不同,前者是主詞+動詞,後者則相反。照原句的寫法,會變成疑問句:「這男孩有多高?」
  2. How wonderful a plan it is! 感嘆句可以how或what起頭,但what後面一定要是名詞,how則不受此限。
  3. How unfortunate those poor people are! 原句沒有文法錯誤,但卻是一個陳述句,既然加了驚嘆號,改為感嘆句為宜。
  4. How happy a kid he is! 使用感嘆句時很容易忽略了冠詞a或the,但與一般陳述句一樣,單數普通名詞前都必須加上冠詞。
  5. What a happy kid he is! 本題請與第4題比較:以what為起首的感嘆句,其冠詞置放位置不同於以how起首的感嘆句。

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